Glosec offers the following Innovative, tailor-made, and cost-effective water treatment solutions:

• Advanced, flexible water treatment systems that optimize CAPEX and OPEX
• Ready to use, compact desalination and water treatment units (Capsule)
● Medium – Large desalination plants
● Municipal waste water treatment plants in compliance with the most stringent industry standards and regulatory requirements
• Treatment of a wide array of water sources, including seawater, brackish, surface, or grid water.
● Local technical support, training and spare parts.

We offer our customers a flexible process design that can treat a wide variety of raw water sources – grid, sea, brackish, wastewater, and more. The customizable design ensures a stable quantity and quality of treated water at the maximum available recovery rate for any required application.

We offer you Water Treatment for industrial, municipal, and agricultural applications, power plants and much more.